Rapid BioRemediation is a established microbial biotechnical division of Rapid Spill Response. The remediation division is focused on the development and production of fast acting, cost effective and efficient mycoremediation and bioremediation products. This division also manufactures oil and chemical absorbents, microbial degreasing products, spill kits and remediation kits.

This product is capable of degrading a very large range of organic molecules, including highly toxic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and alkanes that are naturally present in crude oil and its derivatives.
Available in 10 kg bags
- Less disposal costs due to remediation
- Capable of degrading a wider range of pollutants
Rapid Bioblue

This product is primarily used to accelerate mycoremediation of contaminated soils that are being treated with Rapid Mycoremediation media. Rapid BioBlue can also be used in situations where soil has been contaminated to great depths and needs to be remediated insitu. (Next to roads or buildings)
Rapid BioBlue can also be used in water, as it is a non-hazardous water based concentration.
Available in 25 L, 210 L and 1 000 L
- Product can be allowed and relied upon to follow the same pathway as the contaminant.
- Blue colour allows for visual detection of the product where applied
- Cost effective due to less site monitoring visits