Dangerous goods 

Dangerous goods (DG), are substances that when stored or transported are a risk to health, safety, property or the environment, such as batteries, chemicals, plastics, food flavouring and fragrances, perfumes, soaps and detergents, cosmetics, dyes and paints.

The management of dangerous goods starts already in the warehouse.

Manage your client sites with added skills and environmental compliance. 

  • Floor cleaning
  • Asbestos stripping and disposal
  • De-dusting services
  • Roof Truss and Structure cleaning
  • Retention pond cleaning
  • Spill response (Emergency & Historical)
  • Fire Restoration and cleaning
  • Flood or overflow cleaning
  • Sumps, Separator and Pit cleaning
  • Remediation of Contaminated soil
  • Paving and Surface cleaning

More than Spill Response. We offer a range of services to mitigate contamination risk and effective response in case of a Dangerous Goods Incident.

Storage or Warehousing of Dangerous goods

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) contain general recommendations for the safe storage of a hazardous product. These recommendations provide a good starting point for deciding where and how the product should be stored.

The storage conditions in your workplace should be based on workplace-specific factors: the hazards of the product (health, fire and reactivity), the amounts in storage, types of containment(bulk or smaller containers), and the way the product is used.

General Safe Storage Guidelines
Engineering Controls
KEEP storage areas well ventilated and away from sources of heat and direct sunlight.
USE chemically-resistant structural materials in the storage area and ventilation system (e.g. corrosion-resistant).

Storage Practices
USE approved containers. Be aware of any special venting requirements (e.g. for flammables, corrosives).
DO NOT STORE incompatible materials together.
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